jeudi 29 janvier 2015

Sacrer à Winnipeg

Swearing is one of the unexpected side effects of having a cast. Things drop, things break, things don't go the way you want them to. Since my cast is coming off at the end of the week, I figured this would be my last occasion to talk about swearing in Winnipeg. Or lack thereof.

Ma vie au Québec m'avait habituée à régime de sacres, en portions tout aussi consistantes que variées. Je dois avouer que la vie manitobaine est décevante de ce point de vue. Non seulement les franco-manitobains ne sacrent pas, mais ils prennent la vulgarité au sérieux. On m'a même rapporté qu'un contrevenant aux règles de la bienséance s'est fait expulser de la piscine de St Boniface manu militari cet été.

No swearing, no mouthing off allowed.

I started looking around, and noticed that many places actually forbid swearing (among many other things, such as sunflower seeds, but I digress). I was a bit puzzled at first, as Canadians are famously too polite and Manitoba is, according to its motto, friendly. But I recently learnt that minor hockey may be the source of all that agitation - a few aggressive Manitoban parents were banned from their respective ice-rinks this year.

Ayant continué à assister aux matchs de mon équipe de spongee cette saison, je suis cependant ravie de rapporter que la ligue de Spongee (adulte) de Kildonan est d'une courtoisie exemplaire!

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